
Revue PSEI

La revue en ligne Paix et Sécurité Européenne et Internationale (PSEI) a été fondée en 2015 par les professeurs Louis Balmond et Jean-François Guilhaudis.  

Fédérant une équipe internationale d'enseignants et de chercheurs, pilotée par le LADIE (Daniel Ventura et A. Millet-Devalle), elle propose des analyses 
pluridisciplinaires -droit, science politique, économie et histoire- des enjeux de sécurité européenne et internationale.

La revue PSEI publie 3 numéros par an. 


Revue Questions of International Law

Questions of International Law (QIL) is an open-source peer-reviewed e-journal which aims to foster the debate on questions of public international law by providing a dynamic platform for scholars and practitioners. QIL is divided into two sections. “Zoom-in” will focus on recent judicial and diplomatic practice, as well as on other events of interests, mainly with the aim to explore or review the underlying legal issues. The other section, entitled “Zoom-out”, is designed to publish wider debates and symposia on major issues of international law. Every six months, all contributions published in “Zoom-in” and “Zoom-out” will be collected in the QIL Journal, a volume in pdf format, which can be freely downloaded from the website.